Event Sign Ups

Here are the upcoming volunteer opportunities for PTO. Thank you for your help!

NOTE: Before you are able to volunteer ON campus you must have an email confirmation indicating an approval from Waller ISD. This approval requires to have a completed VIPS training and a background check through Waller ISD

Click the link to start the WISD Volunteer online application 

If you have not completed the ON campus volunteer application or your application is pending, we still have plenty of opportunities for you to participate, by donation of items or tasks that do not require a volunteer application. Such opportunities will be identified on the sign-up forms.

Pickles and Popcorn 04/05

Join us as we make popcorn and sell it, along with pickles during recess! 

Pickles and Popcorn 04/19

Join us as we make popcorn and sell it, along with pickles during recess! 

Spring Library Volunteer


Reshelving books & check in and out books for students.

STAAR Note Writing

Help us writing encouraging notes for students that will take their STAAR test! Packets available to send home with your child on March 8th -April 2nd. All packets must be returned to school by April 4th.Thank you!

STARR Snacks

Donate a Box of Snacks for our STARR students 

Field Day Volunteer

TES FIELD DAY is coming!!  We are in need of volunteers to help at stations and in concessions during field day for both days! 

PK-2nd Grade will participate May 16th

3ed-5th grade will participate May 17th

Turlington PTO is hosting a Caramel Apple Stand for the staff